Hotel API Specification June 2012 > Hotel Search Example XML

Hotel Results Static Linking Example XML

Static links to specific result sets or hotel information may be needed for the sake of bookmarking, advertising or certain user-search flows.

All codes are persistent (Hotel codes, filter codes, location ids), enabling long term bookmarking of any search results. Note that for availability searches, fresh searches would be performed to the suppliers and so the response would be 'slow'.

Note that location ids may change occasionally without notice subject to updates to the geographical data. Hotel codes may also change subject to major changes to the supplier hotel data. However, location ids and hotel codes can be generally considered persistent but it is recommend to keep in mind that they may change occasionally when designing any ad campaign or result bookmarking solution.

The following example request can be used to perform an availability search for offers for a particular hotel. (Any other kind of location can be specified as per the standard search specification here).

The response will contain full details of the hotel and any relevant offers. Since it is a fresh availability search, it will be 'slow' as requests must be made to the suppliers.

Note, the token attribute must be set to a valid token.

<GetHotelsRequest token="******" xmlns="">


<hotel code="00005gaw87"/>















The following example request can be used to request details of a particular hotel without performing a 'slow' availability search. The response will contain full details of the hotel.

Note, the token attribute must be set to a valid token.

<GetHotelsRequest token="******" xmlns="">


<hotel code="00005gaw87"/>


